Firebase has many features one includes a free of cost front-end hosting which is a really easy to go process.

Set up: You will have to log into firebase link is provided after logging in you can head over to hosting section and add project where you will need to give your project a name, enable or disable Google analytics that’s upto you and select a default firebase account now you will have a project created.
Once project added you will be redirected to a page similar below now you can select whatever app that you want to host but since we are working on web we will choose the last option.

Next is to register your app do give it a nick name and do not forget to check the highlighted option to set it up for hosting.

Next you can copy that script into body tag of your HTML, fairly simple next you go. Then in order to host your site with Firebase hosting, you need the Firebase CLI the command is “npm install -g firebase-tools” run this command in your terminal it will install all the packages.
Then login to firebase with this command “firebase login”. Initialize your project with this simple command “firebase init” and then deploy “firebase deploy”.
Now as you initialize your project you will have multiple option in terminal just find the line starting with Hosting you can select it by pressing space bar and then enter after that you will have some optional choice to connect to github etc etc. It’s upto you but one option is neccessary that is you will have to choose the app like we created above with a random crazy name “radasd”. One more thing after initialization move all the html/css/js files to the public folder which firebase creates on it’s own (delete the dummy html file in that folder) and then run “firebase deploy” and if it asks you to replace your files with its own dummy files just press “n” and now your site will be successfully hosted.